Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel

b. 22 July 1784, Minden, Germany
d. 17 March 1846, Königsberg, Germany

Of interest is his work on the theory and reduction of errors.

A total of 399 publications are found in the list of Bessel's works. A major collection is Abhandlungen von Friedrich Bessel, Rudolf Englemann, ed. 3 Volumes, Leipzig, 1875/76.  These are Volume I (I. Bewegungen der Körper im Sonnensystem, II. Sphärische Astronomie), Volume II (III. Theorie der Instrumente, IV. Stellarastronomie, V. Mathematik) and Volume III. (VI. Geodaesie, VII. Physik, VIII. Verschiedenes.-Literatur.) His astronomical observations are printed in Beobachtungen der Königsberger Sternwarte, 21 Volumes.

We cite here, following Merriman, the works of Bessel related to the method of least squares