
Miscellaneous Investigations between
1700 and 1750
- [1697] Jean La Placette. Traités sur des matieres de conscience.
This philosophical work is included here because of the controversy
with de Joncourt. There is contained within a section on game of
- [1709] Nicholas Bernoulli,
Nicholas Bernoulli contributed in several ways. Most important is his
doctoral dissertation De Usu Artis
Conjectandi in Iuris. Additionally,
we have extensive correspondence with Montmort on his Essai d'Analyse sur les Jeux de Hazard.
- [1709] Jean Barbeyrac. Traité du jeu ... les principales questions de droit naturel et de moral qui ont du rapport à cette matière. 2 tom. Tome I and Tome II. Amsterdam. 2nd edition (1737) revue et aumentée ... un discourse, sur la nature de sort... 3 tom. Tome I, Tome II and Tome III. Amsterdam.
- [1709] Sangrain. Dénombrement du Royaume par Généralités, Èlections, Paroisses et Feux. 2 pt. Tome I and Tome II. Paris.
A work on political arithmetic.
- [1710] Johann Bernoulli, We
possess a letter to Montmort commenting on his Essai d'Analyse sur les Jeux de Hazard
and in the Opera Johannis Bernoullii (1742) we have a
short work
date, De Alea,
sive ars
conjectandi, which is a
collection of 7 problems.
- [1710] John Arbuthnot
Arbuthnot is most famous for his short paper
“An Argument for
from the Constant Regularity Observ'd in the Birth of Both Sexes.”
which appeared in the Philosophical Transactions 27 published
in 1710. In addition, he made a translation of the De
Ratiociniis of Huygens which
was published in
1692. This is reprinted in
The miscellaneous works of the late Dr. Arbuthnot, volume 2, 1751.
- [1710] Willem 'sGravesande,
A response to Arbuthnot's
paper was published in the Philosophical Transactions No. 328.
He corresponded with both Nicolas I
Bernoulli and with Pierre
de Montmort regarding the regularity of births. 'sGravesande also
wrote an elementary treatise on probability published in 1736.
- [1713]
Pierre de Joncourt. Quatre Lettres sur les Jeux de Hazard. He holds games of chance to be criminal.
Pierre de Joncourt. Nouvelle lettre sur les jeux de hazard. A retort to those defending
La Placette for whom see below.
- [1714] Jean De La Placette. Traité des jeux-de-hazard défendu contre les objections de Mr. de Ioncourt et de quelques autres. La Haye: H. Scheurleer.
This is a philosophical work.
- [1720] Sangrain. Nouveau dénombrement du Royaume par Généralités, Èlections, Paroisses et Feux. Paris.
On political arithmetic.
- [1722] Andrew Rudiger (Andreas Rudigerus): De Sensu Veri et Falsi, Libri IV.
August de Morgan supplied this reference to Todhunter with the citations of Book I, Chapter 12 and Book III. Todhunter remarked that "I have not been so fortunate to obtain." Indeed!
- [1722] Roger Cotes. "Aestimatio errorum in mixta mathesi, per variationes partium trianguli plani et spherici."
Harmonia mensurarum, sive analysis et synthesis per rationum et
angulorum mensuras promoae: accedunt alia opuscula mathematica...
Edidit et auxit Robertus Smjith, 2 pt. Cantabrigiae.
- [1728] Jean Jacques d'Ortous de Mairan.
Marain wrote a short paper on the game of Pair ou Non. See also Montmort for a brief comment on the
- [1729] John Rizzetti, "Ludorum Scientia, sive Artis conjectandi elemnta ad alias applicata,"in Actorum Eruditorum...Supplementa. Tome IX, Lisiae.
- [1730] François Nicole. In
February and March appeared two
papers by Nicole in the Histoire de
l'Académie des Sciences Paris on "Examen et Resolution de
quelques Questions sur les Jeux" and "Methode." These concern finding
the advantage
of each player in a game of chance.
- [1732] Christian Wolf. Philosophia rationalis sive logica. Leipsig.
- [1733] Georges-Louis Le Clerc, Comte
de Buffon In Supplement IV, Essai
Morale (1777) to his Histoire
naturelle, the study,
probably written in 1760, speaks at length on both the game of
Franc-carreau and what has come to be known as the Needle
Problem. In this same essay he also considers the
problem for which see both Nicolas
Bernoulli and Daniel Bernoulli.
- [1734] Gottlieb Friederich Hagen. Meditationes philosophicae de methodo mathematico. Norimbergae.
- [1735] Lud. Mart. Kahle: Elementa
logicae probabilium methodo mathematica in usum scientiarum et vitae. This is another work for which the reference was supplied by de Morgan that Todhunter had not been able to inspect.
[1736] W.J.S. van 's Gravesande. Introductio ad philosophiam, continens metaphysicam logicam continues. Venetii.
- [1737] Gottlieb Friederich Hagen. Fortsetzung
einiger aus der Mathematik abgenommenen Regolu, nach welchen sich der
menschliche Verstand bei Erfinung der Wahrkeiten richtet. Halle.
- [1737] Weyman Lee. An
essay to ascertain the value of leases and of annuities for years and
lives and to estimate the chances of the duration of lives. London.
- [1738]
Of the Laws of Chance, or, a Method of Calculation of the Hazards of Game. The 4th edition of Arbuthnot's book is here revised by John Ham.
London: printed for B. Motte & C. Bathurst.
- [1738] Willem Kersseboom. Proeven
van Politique Rekenkunde, vervat in drie Verhandelingen over de
Meenigte des Volks in de Provintie van Hollandt en Westvrieslandt, etc. 5 pts. 's Gravesande. 3rd edition 1748. This is a short work on demography.
- [1739] David Hume. Part III. Of knowledge and probability. A
treatise of human nature: Being an attempt to introduce the
experimental method of reasoning into Moral Subjects. Book I. Of the
understanding. London: John Noon.
- [1739] D. M. Calcul du Jeu appellé par les François le trente-et-quarante, et que l'on nomme à Florence le trente-et-un ... Florence.
- [1740] Thomas Simpson See
especially the book
and Laws of Chance.
- [1740] James Stirling. Methodus differentialis sive
tractatus de summatione et interpolatione serierum infinitarum. London.
of 1764.)
- [1740] Nicholas Struyck.
Inleiding tot de Algemeene Geographie benevens eenige Sterrekundige en
andere Verhandelingen. Amsterdam.
- [1742] James Dodson. The
Anti-logarithmic Canon. Being a table of numbers consisting of eleven
places of figures, corresponding to all logarithms under 100000, with
an Introduction containing a short account of logarithms. London.
- [1742] Willem Kersseboom. Derele verhandeling over de probable meenigte des volks in die Provintie van Hallandt en Westvrieslandt. 's Gravesande.
- [1742] Colin Maclaurin. A treatise of fluxions.
2 vols. Edinburgh.
Volume 1 and
Volume 2.
- [1744] Erik Salander. Försök, om Sverige Kan ved egen Vaxt föda sina Invanere. (Swedish). Kongl. Wetenskaps Academiens, Handlingar, 5.
- [1746] Antoine Deparcieux. Essai sur les probabilités de la durée de la vie humaine. Paris.
- [1746] Pehr Elvius. Til
Riksens höglofliga Ständers Secrete Utskâtt, angâende menighetens
Talrikhet i Sveriges Rike, ingifvit af Wetenskaps Academien under
Riksdagen. Reprinted in Fennia, Vol. 15-16.
- [1747] James Dodson. The Calculator, being ... tables for computation, adopted to science, business, and pleasure. London.
- [1747 Pithanophilus (Patre). Probabilismus:
methodo mathematica demonstratus. Typis Caesaris Giani. This is a work
on Probabilism by Honoré Fabri.
- [1750] Tobias Mayer. "Abhandlung über die Umwälzung des Mondes um seine Axe." Kosmographische Nachrichten und Sammlungen (1748), pp. 52-183. Treatise on the revolution of the moon about its axis.